Shilajit nutritionAL RESEARCH

Shilajit has been used in ancient Indian cultures to treat diseases for centuries. Charaka, an ancient Indian scholar and physician, once said "There is no curable disease in the universe which is not
effectively curable by Shilajit,
when administered at the
appropriate time, adopting the prescribed method"
Charaka Samhita is known as the oldest and most authentic form of the ancient medical science of India.


Shilajit dates back to as early as 300 BC and has been used throughout Asia to treat all curable diseases. In ancient Indian medicine, known as Ayurveda, shilajit holds a significant place as a powerful natural remedy. Its origins in Ayurveda trace back thousands of years, where it was revered as a substance with extraordinary healing properties. Shilajit is prominently featured in classical Ayurvedic texts such as the Charaka Samhita and the Sushruta Samhita, where it is referred to as "Shilajatu" or "Shilajit" and praised for its ability to promote vitality, longevity, and overall health.

According to Ayurvedic principles, shilajit is considered a Rasayana, a category of rejuvenating substances that are believed to promote youthfulness and longevity. It is thought to balance the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and enhance the flow of prana (life force) throughout the body. Ancient Ayurvedic physicians prescribed shilajit for a wide range of ailments, including fatigue, weakness, respiratory disorders, and digestive issues. Its use was not limited to medicinal purposes; shilajit was also incorporated into spiritual practices and rituals due to its association with vitality and spiritual enlightenment. The ancient sages of India regarded shilajit as a divine substance, often referred to as "the nectar of the gods," highlighting its revered status in ancient Indian medicine and culture.

Raw Himalayan shilajit
What is shilajit?

Shilajit is a natural substance that originates from the Himalayan mountains, primarily found in regions like Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. It is formed over centuries by the decomposition of plant matter and minerals. Often described as a resinous exudate, it oozes from cracks in rocks, particularly in the warmer summer months when the surrounding ice and snow melt. Shilajit is rich in a diverse array of organic compounds, including fulvic acid, humic acid, trace minerals, and various bioactive substances. Its color can range from dark brown to black, and its texture varies from a soft, pliable consistency to a hard, brittle form, depending on its mineral composition and environmental conditions.

For centuries, shilajit has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its purported health benefits. It is believed to possess rejuvenating properties and is often referred to as "the destroyer of weakness" or "conqueror of mountains." In Ayurveda, shilajit is considered a potent adaptogen, helping the body adapt to stressors and promoting overall well-being. It is commonly consumed orally, either as a supplement or mixed with other substances like honey or milk. Shilajit is also utilized topically in various medicinal preparations. Modern research on shilajit has shown promising potential in areas such as cognitive function, energy metabolism, immune support, and anti-inflammatory effects, although further scientific investigation is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and therapeutic applications.

Complete list of all trace elements in Shilajit

What do these do for your body?

  • Fulvic Acid: reduces inflammation, strengthens immunity, and improves cognitive functions
  • Calcium: regulates your heart rate, blood flow, and nerve functions
  • Humic Acid: stimulates the immune system. This is very effective in treating influenza and other viral infections.
  • Gold: Improves energy, vitality and promotes a better overall well-being.
  • Titanium: Promotes balance throughout the body and reduces muscle stiffness and pain.
  • Magnesium: Improves protein synthesis, regulates blood flow and blood sugar levels, maintains brain functions, regulates heart functions
  • Iron: Essential in making red blood cells and carrying oxygen throughout the body
  • Sulfur: builds and repairs DNA which can prevent cancer.
  • Zinc: Fights off invading bacteria and viruses to restore your health at a faster rate.

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